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torek, avgust 23, 2011

Perfect week

Sem hotela prejšnji teden objavit post z naslovom "Perfect weekend", pa se je raztegnil na teden. Prejšnjo soboto je Luna uživala cel dan v Kamniku na velikem vrtu pri sorodnikih, pa še v žabji ribnik je skočila! Drug poskus plavanja v prašnem ribniku sem preprečila zadnji čas. Povrh vsega pa jo je B. še razvajal z lososom in drugimi dobrotami. Sem raje gledala stran. Ampak je bilo vse ok, nobenih težav s prebavo.

I wanted to post last week about perfect weekend but it streched over the whole week and next weekend :o) Last Saturday we went to Kamnik to visit our relatives and Luna enjoyed on a big garden and even swimmed in frog's pond. The second attempt for swimming I managed to stop before jumping in it again :o) But cream of the crop was salmon, which B. gave it to her and many other yummy things from the table. I rather looked away. But Luna didn't have any digestive problems so it was ok. :o)

Prejšnjo nedeljo sva šla zvečer z Luno na Jakoba nad Katarino. Luna je bila ves čas spuščena, razen na vrhu. In pridna!


Last Sunday me and A. went to Jakob, a hill near Ljubljana. Luna was off lead the whole time only on top. I guess I don't have to tell how happy she was. :o)

V ponedeljek, na praznik, pa sva Luno "vlekla" na Krvavec. Nižje temperature so bile le ob stanju na miru ali v senci, sicer pa vroče tudi v hribih. A. je šel z vrha Krvavca še na Zvoh, je hotel s seboj vzet Luno, pa ni hotela gor, je ostala z mano na smučišču spodaj :o) Malo je šnofala okrog, mal se je nadišavila, sicer pa je sedela kak meter stran od mene in gledala na Zvoh, kdaj pride Aleš. Kjer ni bilo krav, se pravi po cesti in pod Zvohom, ko sva čakali, je bila spuščena. Moj super pridni kuži :o)


On Monday, on bank holiday, we went to Krvavec. Lower temperatures were only when you stand still or in the shadow, it was pretty much hot in the mountains also. My BF went to the highest peek, Zvoh, and wanted to take Luna with him, but she didn't want to go and she rather stayed with me on the ski slope under :o) She sniffed around a bit, sat one meter away from me and watched on the top of the mountain when A. is coming back :o) Where there weren't cows she was unleashed. She was super good doggy! :o)

Čez teden je bila dvakrat še na Šmarni gori z A. v najhujši popoldanski vročini in je domov prihajala čisto utrujena. En dan sploh ni hotela it nazaj v avto, da bomo šli še v mesto. V soboto pa je po dolgem, dolgem času spet videla Žajo! Punci (in 4 otroke) smo peljali v Krnico, kjer sta se podili spuščeni, se ohlajali v Pišnici in se igrali. V nedeljo dopoldne pa smo šli naokrog do Rožnika in ob živalskem vrtu nazaj do avta, ki smo ga pustili Pod hribom. Lunči je bila po stranskih poteh spuščena, za konec pa si je privoščila blatno kopel. Zdaj pa čakamo, da ta nora vročina mine :o( Lune sicer ne moti pretirano, zato pa mene toliko bolj. Šmarna gora ta teden odpade, upam. Fotke sledijo.

Over the week she was on Šmarna gora with my BF two times in the afternoon, when the heat outside was awful. We are having high temperatures for one week and will have them for another week over 35°C. :o( One day Luna didn't want to go back to the car when they came from Šmarna gora :o) On Saturday we went to Kranjska Gora and to visit Žaja after a long, long time. We took the girls (and 4 kids) to Krnica, where they were running around, played and got wet in icy cold river Pišnica. On Sunday we went to Rožnik, a small hill in Ljubljana. Luna was again without lead off the main paths and she enjoyed herself in mud bath for the end. :o) Now we're waiting that the heat goes away - Luna isn't bothered though so much than I am. Photos will follow.

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