PitaPata Dog tickers

četrtek, julij 21, 2011

We're baaaack

Here we are again. We (me, my BF and his son) had a great time on our road trip from Slovenia to England & Wales. We saw so much nice beaches, cliffs and landscape, did a bit of shopping and so on and so forth. :o) Luna was staying at home with my parents and sister, she was safe and sound. I brought her only cookies form Pets at home and bought myself a Wales dragon, which is OF COURSE very interesting, just like Nessie, who fits in Luna's muzzle perfectly, you know :o) Well, until she doesn't ruin my toys, I don't care much if she tries to hide them when we leave her home alone.

This week only me, Luna and my BF are defending our fortress because my family is enjoying their holidays at the seaside. A. and Luna talk pretty much this days and I have to laugh to their dialogs :o) This pictures are mostly from today. Not much to compliment, but still funny :o)

1 komentar:

Nadinka pravi ...

Zelo lepa psička :)