PitaPata Dog tickers

torek, maj 31, 2011

Spanje in igranje

Nekako tako, kot piše v naslovu, se je dogajalo Luni v zadnjih dveh tednih, kar sem nazadnje pisala. Jaz nimam kaj dosti časa, okrog hodimo bolj malo, tako da se ne dogaja nič posebnega. No, zadnje dni smo bili bolj pridni - v nedeljo smo bili na Krimu, v četrtek smo šli peš iz Mosteca do ZOO-ja in potem na Rožnik in dol, dopoldne sva bili pa še na PST-ju. Ampak od tam nimam preveč lepih novic - najprej je bila Luna vsa podivjana, potem jo je pa še ena beaglica ugriznila dober centimeter stran od učka, kar sem videla šele potem doma. Ampak Luna je bila najbrž povsem zadovoljna.


Sleeping & Playing

As it says in the address this is pretty much it of the past 14 days since I wrote the last time. I don't have enough time, so we don't go around much, so nothing special happens. Well, we we been quite good the last few days - we were on Krim (mounatin near Ljubljana) on Sunday and we walked more than one hour and a half on Thursday when we went to Mostec and on Rožnik (small hill in Ljubljana) and in the morning me and Luna were also on PST (a 35 km long walking path round Ljubljana). But it wasn't much fun, beacouse Luna was awfully wild at first and then one beagle girl bited her near Luna's eyes, but I noticed that only when we came home. But Luna was still quite satisfied with the walk, I guess.

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